How Did You Prepare This Week?

A practical update

How Did You Prepare This Week?

There’s so much noise out there right now. Most of it ignores the fundamental truths we’re dealing with. It caters to outrage or the delusions of toxic positivity at both ends of the political spectrum. After a while, it’s too much.

So I focus on what’s in front of me.

That’s the point of this weekly (or biweekly) update, to focus on the small practical steps we’re taking to prepare ourselves and our communities. We can tune out the noise and drill down on basics. In these updates, I tackle specific problems and hunt for answers. If you’ve got a problem or a question, post it. We’ll troubleshoot it. I’ll write up the answers. Breaking things down makes it all less overwhelming. I’ve been working on several things this week.

Recently, we tackled a very specific problem: Online privacy. We also worked on gas mask compatibility and helmets.

Let’s talk.

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