Here's 20 Books On Prepping and Survival + Reviews and Recommendations
Part 1: You gotta start somewhere.

Every single day, you see more signs of collapse.
One day, it’s the worst wildfires in a state’s history. The next, record snow storms. After that, a record tornado season. Then come the heat waves and the hurricanes. All the while, diseases make their biggest comebacks in a century. Governments respond by dismantling the very agencies we created to help us, while working overtime to ban everything from vaccines to medications.
Recently, I started trying to gather up a list of books and other documents we would want to have on hand in case of a disaster or prolonged grid failure. I think we’re going to need books on just about everything.
It’s been an interesting experience.
When you ask people what books they’d want on hand for survival, you get a lot of vague references to first aid manuals and farming guides. There’s just one problem with that. There’s literally thousands of them out there, and not all of them are worth your time. So, I decided to take up the challenge. I’m going to review prepping, survival, and homesteading books 20 at a time. I’m going to take recommendations for specific books (so drop them in the comments). Over time, I’m going to organize them by topic and category. I’m going to read and re-read them. I’m going to try to follow their instructions to see how clear they are. I’m going to keep going until I’ve done them all, or when the grid finally goes down.
Whichever comes first…
Let’s get into it.