Epic Fail

How the fitness industry has compromised your fitness

Epic Fail
Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

The people who claim to be concerned about your health and well-being have a dirty little secret.

They genuinely don’t care.

The fitness industry from the smallest corner gym to the largest mega center throughout the United States, and I would imagine throughout the world, all have one thing in common.

They don’t really care, at all, about your health and well-being.

This industry along with every other industry has given up on taking any precautions designed to protect you from an ongoing pandemic.

The modest efforts they made early on were efforts they had to make to comply with the laws instituted to keep people safe. The moment those restrictions were relaxed, they abandoned any semblance of concern. Most of the gyms I talked to openly refused to comply with any precautionary protocols.

They, like most other establishments that are open to the public, had money to make and couldn’t bother themselves with a silly little thing like a virus that killed millions of people and continues to sicken and kill people today.

I have a lot of friends in the fitness world, and almost to a person, none of them took any precautions during the early years of the pandemic. With the sole exception of one man, who has since killed himself, they all stuck to their guns and stated that because of their superior conditioning, or their superior immune system because of their superior diet that they would never catch a virus like covid and that the rest of the world, all the doctors, all the scientists, all the epidemiologists, all the virologists, all the researchers were just plain wrong.

They did, of course, ignore, and continue to ignore, the growing body of evidence that disproved all their contentions.

Meanwhile, they've all contracted multiple cases of covid and done irreparable harm to their body.

The truly offensive and disingenuous thing about this is that they are charged with helping us stay healthy. People rely on them for valid information, and they let those people down.

I was unable to find any mention of gyms that are still taking precautions. I was able to find a video by an international organization that talks about how to enhance the member experience in this “post-covid era.”

The war against health is being fought on every front.

A representative from this same organization suggested that I  “follow the science” and since he is a friend of mine I didn’t tell him that I have been following the science and the science contradicts every point made by his organization.

They all advocate for the health benefits of exercise and a good diet, but none of them will discuss the vital, athletic, and formerly healthy people who have been struck down and either died or are permanently disabled by covid.

Exercise is a moot point when walking from your bedroom to the bathroom is an effort.

There are no covid safe doctor offices, hospitals, public health offices, or dentist offices anywhere near my town. The closest dentist I could find is 175 miles away, and there are no covid safe gyms in the entire state of California.

The doctor and dentist workers get angry if you ask them if there are any precautions being taken to help mitigate transmission, and gym employees won’t even talk about it.

Anyone who is aware of the ongoing threat posed by covid is probably having trouble believing that the institutions and people that are most closely identified with health, gyms and medical clinics and the people who work there, are the very people who are ignoring and actually discouraging us from being careful and trying to stay healthy.

As we have seen recently with mask bans, the lack of testing data, the difficulty of getting an accurate covid test and diminishing access to vaccines that the power structure wants us to get sick and stay sick.

Unfortunately, there is no way around this. The voices that are speaking out about the ongoing dangers presented by covid are being ignored or marginalized. People who are trying to present data are finding it harder and harder to access quality sources.

But the fight will go on.
Here are some ways to stay informed:

Covid is not over newsletter
The sick times
The people’s CDC
The gauntlet
Joseph Eastman
Anthony J Leonardi
Your local epidemiologist
Covid Safe Providers
Debunk the funk
Back to the science
…and of course
Okay Doomer

You be careful out there among the English.

 Note: If anyone is interested (actively interested) in discussing with the possibility of starting a NFP that I have tentatively titled Covid Safe Consulting which would be dedicated to working with public service businesses on making their facilities as safe as possible, please contact me at campmac15@gmail.com

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