I Don't Want to Be Friends with Kendall Jenner
The world doesn't need artificial companions, at least not made by billionaires.
We're in a Dark Place
Americans think they have the moral authority to debate over Palestine. Do they?
New Stories (and Writers) on OK Doomer
We've got a few more posts up. They hit hard. They're relevant. They're personal.
The Lie That's Destroying Children's Lives
Research tells us that Covid itself continues to do more harm than lockdowns ever did.
A Place for Misfits: A Statement about OK Doomer's Mission
There's three new pieces up on the site to read when you have time. First, Alan Urban talks
A Place for Misfits: A Statement about OK Doomer
There's an interesting piece in Wired. Every year, women and nonbinary tech workers gather at a special conference
The Failure of Positive Thinking
The self-help mantra to smile and never complain has done incredible damage to our institutions and our society.
You Can't Trick Someone into Hope. It Doesn't Work Like That.
Philosophers know the difference between real hope and fool's hope.